Monday, April 30, 2012


Colt texture sheet: 1024x1024

Made some early tweaks to the model as was given to me. Ended up making a few more changes from what are seen here in the form of hoofs instead of hands and a changed mane.

Monday, April 16, 2012

House Update

Finally got alphas on the houses to finish off their look and feel. Had some problems getting them into the game engine but with some tweaking and discovery of how to tile a material within the UDK worked out fine.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Windmill Asset

First development update since the end of Team Production 1. The windmill was an asset we wanted to develop for the first quarter but never got to it - so it became one of the first assets developed for TP2 as we move away from the village and onto the alien assets. Re-utilized a lot of textures from the village but felt it was important to do so as it was still supposed to fit within the same environment.Modeled by Ron, Unwrapped/Textured by me.
Total: 350 polys
Texture 1024x1024